標籤: 生活滋味, 行萬里路
由 Florence 發佈 @ 上午6:41
於 2010年10月2日 上午10:21 , 小怡 說...
may God's direct your stepsdear, how are you? long time no hearing from you!
於 2010年10月3日 上午4:36 , Florence 說...
My dear,I'm just back from Berlin. Came across some little troubles but is pretty much well and happy. Havn't heard from u for long as well. We ought to 'schedule a time' for skype. ha. wt an 'appointment'.
於 2010年10月4日 上午10:55 , joannann 說...
me too, lets skype, 送妳們回家, visit my cats
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3 則留言:
於 2010年10月2日 上午10:21 ,
小怡 說...
may God's direct your steps
dear, how are you? long time no hearing from you!
於 2010年10月3日 上午4:36 ,
Florence 說...
My dear,
I'm just back from Berlin. Came across some little troubles but is pretty much well and happy. Havn't heard from u for long as well. We ought to 'schedule a time' for skype. ha. wt an 'appointment'.
於 2010年10月4日 上午10:55 ,
joannann 說...
me too, lets skype, 送妳們回家, visit my cats
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